Gretl is the "pick" girl from my Perfect 10 Litter. She is her mother's clone in versatility and heart, but with a more "go with the flow" attitude. She has some serious drive, but she's also seriously laidback, which makes her a wonderful companion in the home as well as a fierce competitor. This show-bred girl was also gifted with some gorgeous skills in the field. There is nothing better than watching a bird dog do what a bird dog is meant to do. She has a phenomenal nose and a stylish point, which have earned her several field trial placements and a Junior Hunting Title. Not bad for this rookie, bird dog team. We look forward to far more field honors as we continue her training and learn the broke dog game. Gretl also LOVES the water and is happy to spend hours retrieving toys out of our pool during the sweltering heat of our Florida summers. She earned her first dock diving title as a youngster and recently earned 3 of 5 jumps needed toward her Dock Junior title. When it comes to movement in the show ring, it doesn't get prettier than Gretl. She floats around the ring with such ease and beauty that it can truly take your breath away. She caught the attention of the Vizsla Dog Fancy when she floated around the ring to win the 2018 Open Bitch class at the Vizsla Club of America National Specialty. Gretl is everything I could ask for in a Vizsla. She's sweet, affectionate, highly trainable and unbelievably resilient. She produced her first litter in the winter of 2018 and we have high hopes for this duo of pups, both as competitors in the show ring, and also as companions in the home. Gretl is the perfect bitch to continue my line with and I look forward to seeing all she produces.
Gretl's Litters
Born January 28, 2018
"Jett" x "Gretl"

Born October 1, 2018
"Rusty" x "Gretl"
Born July 13, 2020
"Madsen" x "Gretl"